Diabetes is a demanding disease, so it can affect your life in many ways. Managing your diabetes can be stressful. The way you feel when your blood glucose levels are low or really high adds to the stress. On top of that, there are the worries that you might develop complications, and the burden of dealing with any complications you may already have. It is no wonder that many people feel that diabetes affects their quality of life.

Why is quality of life important for people with diabetes?
Part of the answer is obvious: everyone wants to have the best possible quality of life. It just feels good to be satisfied and happy. But there is another reason, as well. Just as diabetes can affect your quality of life, your quality of life can affect your diabetes. When you are feeling good about your life in general and about your life with diabetes in particular, you have more energy to take good care of your diabetes. And when you take good care of yourself, you are likely to feel better day-to-day and to stay healthier in the long run. Feeling better and staying healthy give a further boost to your quality of life. So good quality of life activates a self-reinforcing positive cycle.

Continue reading “DIABETES & LIFESTYLE”

Diabetic Nerve Pain: 5 Foot Care Tips to Protect Yourself:

1. Check both feet daily.
Look over both feet carefully every day, and be sure you check between all of your toes. Blisters and infections can start between your toes, and with diabetic neuropathy, you may not feel them until they’ve become irritated or infected.

2. Wash with warm — not hot — water.
Wash both of your feet briefly each day with warm — not hot — water. You may not be able to feel heat with your feet, so test the water with your hands first. Avoid soaking too long in water, since waterlogged sores have a harder time healing.

3. Make sure your shoes fit well.
It’s an investment worth making. Even the slightest rubbing or misfit shoe can cause a blister that turns into a sore that becomes infected and never heals.

Continue reading “Diabetic Nerve Pain: 5 Foot Care Tips to Protect Yourself:”


almayush, Epsom Salt foot soak

An Epsom salt bath is often used to reduce stress. However, there are other benefits to an Epsom salt foot soak, including:

Treating fungal infections
Pain relief
Removing splinters

While there are many claims that Epsom salt is an effective stress reliever, more research needs to be done to prove it’s an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent. Discuss your treatment options with your doctor before using this remedy.

1. Treating fungal infection
Epsom salt has been used to treat wounds and infections. While it doesn’t cure the infection, Epsom salt can be used to draw out the infection and soften the skin to help boost medication effects.

Epsom soaks can be used to support the work of medications your doctor has prescribed. Before using this treatment, discuss your options with a doctor. Some infections, such as staph infection, worsen from hot water or salt mixes.

For foot or toenail fungal infections, soak your feet twice a day for about 20 minutes. Consider adding tea tree oil or other essential diluted oils known to promote healing.

2. Exfoliation
Epsom salt can be used as an exfoliant to soften rough, cracked feet. Along with soaking your feet, massage a handful of Epsom salt into your skin for an added boost.



Most of us have our food while texting on mobile phones or watching television and don’t really keep a count on how much we eat. Though the stomach might be full, the brain tells that to eat more and eventually end up over-eating. If we focus only on food then we will eat only as much as our body requires.

It is not fun to talk about it, but we have all experienced it before enjoying a nice meal only to regret it later when our stomachs hurt due to indigestion. Some of the symptoms of indigestion include bloating, belching, gas, burning or pain in the stomach or abdomen, and even nausea. We should eat the easiest to digest foods first in each meal and slowly move towards the more complex.

Think of a highway, if the slowest cars are in front they will hold up the faster cars behind them, causing a traffic jam. The same is applicable for food and digestive system also. Eat those fastest to digest first and save the tougher to digest foods for the second half of the meal.




How you think about something ultimately is how you will feel about something. If you want to control your attitude, be aware of your thoughts. Focus on the positive things. Eliminate your negative thoughts by consciously attempting to think with a positive, internal voice.

For example, when you feel frustrated because someone is taking too much space on the subway, think instead about how grateful you are for public transit. Think positively about how happy you are not to have to drive your car through snow and ice to work.

Remind yourself to think positively during tense moments in the day. For example, before starting your commute or before a big meeting, pause and reflect on what has been going well. 

Thinking positively takes practice. Do not feel frustrated if your mind sometimes wanders back to negativity.



Once you discover what is causing your counter-productive attitude, determine what you can do to remedy those causes. For example, if your attitude suffers because you feel tired, try to sleep more at night. Alternatively, you could take power naps during your lunch and break times. If your work is not challenging enough and you feel bored, ask your supervisor about taking on new tasks.


almayush psychology lifecyclemanagement


If your negative attitude has impacted your team members, consider apologizing to them. Share that you have been having a rough time but are striving to do better. Ask others to hold you accountable. When they hear negativity coming from you, they can tell you to stop.

*For example, say, “Hi, everyone. You might have noticed that I have been complaining a lot recently about our company and the hours we work. I am sorry for bringing down the energy here at the office. I actually know that our company offers great benefits and support to us and I am very grateful for that. I am going to try to be more positive from now on!”



It can be hard to have a good attitude at work when your boss is abusive, either to you or to others. You may be afraid to approach your boss, but negative bosses can actually make you less efficient and make you anxious. Be mindful of power dynamics when approaching your boss. Be polite, tactful, and considerate.

*Approach the issue as a collaboration. Remember, your boss may not even realize that she has a problem, and she may not be intending to be hurtful. For example, you could say something like, “I notice I’m having some issues at work. Can we discuss about ways to address them?”

*Look for common ground. For example, you could say something like, “I know we both really value making sure that our projects are high quality” to let your boss know that you and she have the same ultimate goal.

*Be direct but respectful. Use “I”-statements. You could say something like, “I’ve found I work best with specific, concrete feedback rather than general commentary. Do you think you could offer me more specific feedback on my reports? I think that would really help me make them the best they can be.”

*Be honest. If your boss has said things that are belittling, harassing, or mean-spirited, be clear about that, but avoid sounding judgmental. For example, you could try something like, “I really felt hurt when you yelled at me in front of my office-mates last week. It would help me if you talked with me privately about areas where I can improve.” By modeling clear, honest, but polite discussion of your feelings, you may even help your boss deal with you better.

*Avoid passive-aggressive behaviors. While studies suggest they may be better than nothing, they don’t communicate your actual needs and wishes to your boss.



Everyone can have a bad day now and then, but some people are just workplace bullies. If your boss is abusive, or even simply not very constructive in how she gives criticism, it can make it very hard to keep a good attitude at work.

*Abusive, unacceptable behaviors include: intimidation, harassment, deceit, humiliation, personal criticism or name-calling, and aggression. If the behavior is consistently and significantly abusive or hostile, you may have a legal case.

*For example, if your boss criticizes your work by saying, “This looks terrible! My grandmother could write a better report!” this is an abusive behavior. However, it probably isn’t enough to sue her over.

*Sometimes, bosses just don’t have very good communication skills. For example, if your boss criticizes your work by saying, “This is terrible. Fix it,” it isn’t necessarily abusive, but it definitely isn’t helpful. It’s also likely to make you feel bad about yourself. If you think your boss’s communication style could use some work, it’s a good idea to approach her about it.



You don’t know what is going on with your coworker, so listen to him as he explains. Maybe his mother is ill and that’s making him more irritable. Maybe he’s worried about under performing or doesn’t feel valued as a team member. Understanding where the negativity is coming from can help you work together to reduce it. In many cases, your colleague may just be glad to have someone to listen.

*Use empathetic statements, such as “That sounds like it’s 
really hard for you” or “I’m sorry you’re going through that.”

*Even if the conversation doesn’t go well, you have tried to 
address the problem. If you need to take the matter to HR or 
to your boss, you will be able to say you tried to work with the 
other person and didn’t get anywhere.