Diabetes is a demanding disease, so it can affect your life in many ways. Managing your diabetes can be stressful. The way you feel when your blood glucose levels are low or really high adds to the stress. On top of that, there are the worries that you might develop complications, and the burden of dealing with any complications you may already have. It is no wonder that many people feel that diabetes affects their quality of life.

Why is quality of life important for people with diabetes?
Part of the answer is obvious: everyone wants to have the best possible quality of life. It just feels good to be satisfied and happy. But there is another reason, as well. Just as diabetes can affect your quality of life, your quality of life can affect your diabetes. When you are feeling good about your life in general and about your life with diabetes in particular, you have more energy to take good care of your diabetes. And when you take good care of yourself, you are likely to feel better day-to-day and to stay healthier in the long run. Feeling better and staying healthy give a further boost to your quality of life. So good quality of life activates a self-reinforcing positive cycle.

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Diabetic Nerve Pain: 5 Foot Care Tips to Protect Yourself:

1. Check both feet daily.
Look over both feet carefully every day, and be sure you check between all of your toes. Blisters and infections can start between your toes, and with diabetic neuropathy, you may not feel them until they’ve become irritated or infected.

2. Wash with warm — not hot — water.
Wash both of your feet briefly each day with warm — not hot — water. You may not be able to feel heat with your feet, so test the water with your hands first. Avoid soaking too long in water, since waterlogged sores have a harder time healing.

3. Make sure your shoes fit well.
It’s an investment worth making. Even the slightest rubbing or misfit shoe can cause a blister that turns into a sore that becomes infected and never heals.

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almayush, Epsom Salt foot soak

An Epsom salt bath is often used to reduce stress. However, there are other benefits to an Epsom salt foot soak, including:

Treating fungal infections
Pain relief
Removing splinters

While there are many claims that Epsom salt is an effective stress reliever, more research needs to be done to prove it’s an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent. Discuss your treatment options with your doctor before using this remedy.

1. Treating fungal infection
Epsom salt has been used to treat wounds and infections. While it doesn’t cure the infection, Epsom salt can be used to draw out the infection and soften the skin to help boost medication effects.

Epsom soaks can be used to support the work of medications your doctor has prescribed. Before using this treatment, discuss your options with a doctor. Some infections, such as staph infection, worsen from hot water or salt mixes.

For foot or toenail fungal infections, soak your feet twice a day for about 20 minutes. Consider adding tea tree oil or other essential diluted oils known to promote healing.

2. Exfoliation
Epsom salt can be used as an exfoliant to soften rough, cracked feet. Along with soaking your feet, massage a handful of Epsom salt into your skin for an added boost.